Communicating Effectively

When developing a piece of communication, we often spend a significant amount of time thinking about the content of our message. But do we spend enough time thinking about the delivery method for that piece of communication? The subject of this blog post addresses the impact of different delivery methods for a piece of communication. […]

Distance Learning Perceptions

The Distance Learning course at Walden University has taught me about the importance of balancing theory with practical application when designing distance-learning solutions. It has also caused me to think about the perceptions surrounding distance learning and what instructional designers can do to improve distance-learning experiences. This blog post will attempt to address the following […]

Selecting Distance Learning Technologies

Scenario #3: Asynchronous Training In an effort to improve its poor safety record, a biodiesel manufacturing plant needs a series of safety training modules.  These stand-alone modules must illustrate best practices on how to safely operate the many pieces of heavy machinery on the plant floor.  The modules should involve step-by-step processes and the method […]


I see you have learned to work the Google on the Internet machine. It may seem strange to begin my first post with a quote from Blades of Glory.  However, it does seem to provide an accurate description of information gathering in the modern era.  On that note, welcome to my small space on the […]